Crown and Bridge

Feeling self-conscious about missing or damaged teeth? Regain your confidence and restore a complete, beautiful smile with crown and bridge procedures in Aurangabad at Malik Skin & Dental Clinic. We offer personalized treatment plans using high-quality materials to create natural-looking, long-lasting crowns and bridges that seamlessly blend with your existing teeth. Whether you need to replace a single tooth or bridge a gap, we’ll work with you to achieve optimal functionality and a stunning aesthetic result.

Dental crown and bridge procedures are used to restore damaged or missing teeth to improve their appearance, strength, and function. Dental crowns cover damaged teeth, while bridges replace missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to natural teeth or implants.

Causes :

Reasons for Crowns: Some reasons why a dental crown might be needed include extensive tooth decay or cavities affecting tooth structure, broken teeth from trauma, weakened teeth from large fillings or root canals, and misshapen or discolored teeth affecting smile aesthetics.
Reasons for Bridges: Dental bridges are suggested for those with one or more missing teeth, strong surrounding teeth to support the bridge, and a preference to restore function and appearance without dental implants.

Treatment Procedure

Crown Placement: Examination and Preparation involve the dentist examining the tooth, taking impressions, and preparing it by removing any decay or damaged structure. An impression of the prepared tooth is taken to create a custom-made crown that fits precisely over it.
A temporary crown may be placed while the permanent crown is being made in a dental laboratory. Once ready, the permanent crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth to restore its function and appearance.
For Bridge Placement: Preparation includes preparing the adjacent teeth on both sides of the gap by removing some enamel to accommodate the dental crowns. Impressions are taken to create a custom-made bridge and pontic(s) that fit seamlessly.
A temporary bridge may be placed to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the permanent bridge is being made. Once ready, the permanent bridge is cemented onto the prepared abutment teeth, filling the gap and restoring function and aesthetics.

Aftercare and Maintenance

  • Proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, are essential to maintain the longevity of crowns and bridges.
  • Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods that may damage or dislodge the dental restorations.
  • Follow any specific post-operative instructions provided by your dentist for optimal healing and recovery.

Why choose us?

Skilled dermatologists and dentists offer specialized care. Various skin and dental treatments available. Advanced technology for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Personalized treatment plans for individual needs. Located conveniently with flexible scheduling. High standards of care and patient satisfaction guaranteed. Well-known for excellent skin and dental healthcare services.


With proper care and maintenance, dental crowns and bridges can last for many years, typically ranging from 5 to 15 years or more. However, their longevity depends on factors such as oral hygiene practices, diet, habits (such as teeth grinding), and the quality of materials used.

The process of getting dental crowns and bridges is generally not painful because local anesthesia is used to numb the area being treated. However, some patients may experience minor discomfort or sensitivity after the procedure, which can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

To care for dental crowns and bridges, it's essential to practice good oral hygiene habits, including brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Avoid chewing hard or sticky foods that may damage or dislodge the dental restorations.

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